Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Joys of the Search Button

I strongly, strongly approve of people using the magnifying glass on the left side of the screen since let’s face it, Columbia Island sucks compared to everything that you can find in SL. Anything that you want to find, and I mean anything, is available to you. Whether it’s people, places or events, if it exists, there is usually a place for it.

Classifieds is reserved for advertisements. Unless you own a sim or a shop, you won't be listed on there but a number of good sales can be found. Keep an eye out for interesting sims and shops that might pique your interest.

Events details upcoming shows, parties, RP events and other notable things happening in the near future. If there’s something notable going on, it'll be listed. Keep checking it since there will always be something to do.

The Destination Guide only shows off the best, most professional sims in SL. There are categories detailing everything from religion (including education about often misunderstood religions like Mormonism, Wicca and Islam) to virtual art galleries to zombie hunting sims. While there are way more than just these categories, the sims selected will always have a professional quality to them.

Land Rentals shows sims and lots for rent so you can build outside the Columbia sim. Get people to visit what you make. Want to create a new game in Second Life? Maybe build a home or better yet, an apartment building. The choice is up to you with what you do on your land. Keep in mind that land is incredibly expensive and generally not worth purchasing until enough places have been explored and friends made. Plus, the Columbia College Sandbox is still available as long as you’re a student.

People is kind of a useless tab since it's way better to meet people on your own but if you want to check to see if there’s anyone with a certain name, feel free to look around. Just keep in mind that random IMs from across the grid to people you've never met is incredibly intrusive and not something that I personally would do. It's best use if if somebody mentions that they have an alt.

Groups allows you to join a group to display your inters to the world. Are you a gamer? Are you interested in jazz music? Are you a dog owner in RL? Join up with like-minded people for group chat while displaying your interests to everyone you meet.

Places is a more in depth version of the Destination Guide. Every sim on the grid is displayed but there's also a lot of unfinished crap out there and seeing something with an great description and then looking at it and seeing how it's unfinished and nobody's there is always a bummer. Then again, some of the best sims in SL aren't listed on the DG so feel free to search here.

Support is for when you're stuck and you need answers. You'll find questions that have already been answered on the forums so if you don't know how to do something, ask your question here and hopefully you'll find an answer.

1 comment:

  1. The search button (magnifying glass) is an available toolbar button. Similarly, command-F or World>Search menu item launch the search window. The available filters, detailed in your post, are available in the drop down menu on the initial screen, or on left-side tabs once you have searched and received results.
