Monday, April 9, 2012


For my final project, I would like to make a machinema.  I have someone to collaborate with for music and in case I need some extra avatars in Second Life.  The song we decided on is here:  Im using 1:05 to 3:05.  I plan on making three to four sets (I might reuse one) for each section of the song.  The song is a bit abrasive, so switching sets quickly works in this case.  We want to focus on the avatars and altering them, sort of like what we did with the primheads in class.  I started a written story board, but I think I might change it once I talk with my partner again.  I will update this post with photos and possibly a scan of the story board after I run it by my partner.  

1 comment:

  1. I would like a little preview of the story, or back story if there is one. Outside of the four scenes could you please describe some of the shots or shot sequences? Please update your post with the storyboard and/or screen shots ASAP.

    machinima = machine + a(nim)ation
    not machinema = machine + cinema
