Monday, March 5, 2012

3 Places! =D

Old New York
Ok! So Old New York sounded really neat to me, because I've always wanted to visit New York in real life. I found myself a little disappointed...It was very very small in comparison t the size I actually thought it would be. It also tried too hard to make New York seem like the dirtiest place on Earth. For instance, there was a barrel of toxic waste, more than enough dumpsters, and what I believe was a strip club, but because I thought it was a strip club I didn't go inside in case I was right. I kind of just went around, it was mostly stores and it was kind of boring. The only really big redeeming factor of Old New York was the bridge, and a really nice art display in one of the buildings.

The Magic Flute
The magic flute was really interesting! I remember a day in class when our teacher told us there needed to be a balance between fiction and reality so that those in the world/video game could be able to grasp onto something-but this (what I believe French made world) pushed the envelope a little too far on the fantasy aspect in the only building they had in that world. The rest of the place was very normal, and very pretty. There was a nice beach, pretty land. But then you walk into the only building, and everything doesn't quite make sense. The floors change color as you walk through the halls-things that would be solid aren't and shouldn't be solid are-it was an amazing array of color and mystery! It was much like a funhouse of color and imagination. I loved it way more in comparison to the Old New York! The picture is of the buildings outside, because I didn't know where i the building to take the picture! There was a lot to take in!

Inspire Space Park
Inspire Space Park, I think, is my favorite. You're basically in a world that looks like space, and it's very gorgeous. It's the type of place to go if you want to chill or meet people, and the people who were there were very friendly. At one point I fell, but I walked along a space rock path to find that it lead to what looked like a star being created. It was beautifully made and I was astounded by it. There were a lot of interactive things, too. You could click different rocks and dance, or click a different rock and have gravity no longer apply to your avatar-all in all it was very pretty and a lot of fun! Especially for someone like me, who loves to look up at stars and loves space in general. I used to want to be an astronomer! There were also shooting stars, which also really caught my attention! I also took two pictures, just because I thought both were really gorgeous.

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