Monday, March 19, 2012

Building a House


I start building a house in our class space. I’m having fun building it even though it not real how I want it to be. I still learning so I am go to take my time and think about how to add to it to make it better. So far I start off with a cube and hollow out the middle. Then I cut an opening in to it using the path cut tool to make a doorway. These things can be done in the object tab in the build menu. So now I have a box with no bottom nor top. In saying that I made the floor, which I hollow out a trap door so I can up through floor. This trap door is easy to spot in the house even though it is cover by phantom cube. Next I fix the doorway and did the same thing to it as I did the other part of the house. I made the doorframe metal and gave it a medium shine. I also darken the bumpiness (which make it look more real) and add a rock floor outside my door. The shine and the bumpiness tools are in the texture tab. Next I did the roof. First I start off with a pyramid and it the same texture as my doorframe. The shine is on high but my bumpiness is the same as the doorframe. The roof look to boring leaving it just like that so I went to object tab again and use the twist tool. I also add the flagpole and the American flag but for some reason the flag is upside on one side of the flag. The do not blow in the wind if you are far away from it but up close it will start to.  

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