Monday, February 6, 2012


Second Life gives any user god like power to change but mostly create almost thing if you are in the area that allow you to do so. I figure out now that I will use Second Life as an art space. Second life will be the perfect place to learn how to model and change virtual object. It seem to be easier to learn this than Maya which I will learn later. Before I’m able to do that I have to learn some of the small tips and tricks to do some simple things. Right now I trying to learn how to customize my avatar some more, I learn that the outfit and clothes are made of small object that are put together to make something cool. At first I was a Werewolf but now I’m a human character. I learn that human avatar is easier to customize than others. The inventory house all the outfits and items that I own. At first it look like a long list of clothes and attachments but it hold so much more. From your hair to something as small as my nails are all found in the inventory. The inventory is the gate way of customize the avatar. Everything is organized to different folder base on how it attachment to your avatar. Attaching items is not always as easy as it would be in video game. Just like in real life, everything don't fit everybody. This mean a jacket might fit one avatar but don't fit another avatar the same way. So in order to make something fit on my avatar I will have to move it around and or make it big or small. To do this I will have to edit the object which is right clicking it and clicking on edit. This will allow me to move the object back, forward , up, and down on the X, Y, and Z axis.

1 comment:

  1. Clothing layers and attachments work in unison to make a complete avatar. You'll do well to mix and match form things you've already got, and create a few of your own. SL has a game-like interface but is not a game, it's a platform and aset of tools. It is positioned in such a way as to be an introduction to 3D modeling, and there is lots of other things ou can do like buy, give and sell items, meet with groups, or attend events. Our art projects will be centered on exhibiting, both inworld, on the web, and elsewhere.
